Advance praise for Promises to Keep
"Promises to Keep is really "an edge of the seat" ride. I couldn't put it down!"
Lynette Hall Hampton, Jilted by Death, Writer to Writer, Then
"As always, Land's plot promises abundant twists and turns and a poignant love story. The saga is gripping, intriguing and suspenseful...a book that will keep you turning the pages."
Helen Goodman, Murder in Eden, Jess
"Promises to Keep combines hard-edged action suspense and a soft, compelling romance in a single novel. Brilliant plotting and well crafted characters create a spell binding story you can't put down!"
Dr. Joanne Clarey; Twisted Truth, The Mysteries of Hummingbird Falls
"Sally, Did you get your copy of Promises yet?" Dixie
"Dear Dixie, Get it? I've finished reading it. It's great! Now hurry up and finish the next one and let me know as soon as it's available!" Sally Wilson Hansen, San Marcos, Tx
"I buy all of Dixie Land's books for my wife to read and I just ordered her latest. I even read one and enjoyed it thoroughly." Don Farr, PHD, California
"I finished the book. Great! Waiting for # 6. Joyce Daehler, Illinois
"The book was great; I had a heck of a time having to put it down so I could get some sleep. Blessings to you." Chuck, Gastonia, NC
Dear Dixie, It is 1:20 a.m. Friday morning. I just finished Promises to Keep
I could not put it down. I read most of yesterday and just finished it now. I re-read Circle of Secrets again before I started it. Soooo good! I figured ......... was the one telling Guraino what was happening but never figured............ until the very end. Again you have outdone yourself. I knew I couldn't sleep til I wrote an e-mail and told you what a wonderful read it was. Kathryn M. Fisher, NC
Dixie, I enjoyed Promises very much and read the second half in one sitting. I went from chapter to chapter wondering what will happen next. The suspense was great, like opening a door and always being surprised at what was on the other side. Bud Kruse, Pinehurst, NC
Hi, Hope all is well. I've started reading your sequel, Promises to Keep.
Reading it pool side. It is blowing me away. What a surprise! An international CIA thriller! I just finished James Patterson's, The Sixth Target. I have to say that your book moves along also with intense intrigue. Nancy C.