Portals III, Band of Rogues


Reader Comments

Hi Ryan,   I read your book last night and had to finish it before I went to bed!  I like what you did with the characters in the story. I especially enjoyed Izzy. You have an imagination that few people have and I think you are going to be famous one day, Ryan. I can tell you have so much love for other people by the way you have your characters converse with one another. There is no doubt they love one another and are loyal to each other. We are all waiting for your next book and I hear you have already started it!  Love, Norma, Iowa

P. S. I just finished reading Portals III for the second time, and I enjoyed it even more this time. I just can't get over what you can come up with, and your character's names are amazing. I find myself really getting into your book just like a kid would and I can't wait to see what will happen next. I like it that some of Lomeane's guards aren't happy with him and his meanness and they want to join forces with Lucy and the brothers. I love Izzy too, she reminds me of your dog. Tell Ross that I'm impressed with his art work. He does a fantastic job! I also like that you dedicated the book to all your family. 

Norma had a career as a secretary to the principal of a junior high school in Iowa. She has always had a special love for children and their accomplishments.

Hi  Ryan, I started reading your book after my dinner last night,  but then had an interruption with a phone call. I got right back to it when I hung up. I thought at first they were going home when they jumped into the portal, but no, there were many more adventures before they got there. I love how you keep everything moving especially at the end of chapters.  Your characters run into obstacles and then they get out of them in the most unusual ways. I can never guess what's going to happen next, which is part of the excitement of reading your books. What a terrific adventure for all the characters. The last battle was scary and I worried about everyone, especially Axel. I also loved your epilogue because in some books they just end and you don't know what happens to the characters in the rest of their lives. I feel like they are real characters and real manimals! Thanks, Ryan, for a magical, wonderful adventure!  I can't wait to read your next books and go on more adventures.  Please tell Ross I loved his drawings, they make the book more interesting. I can still see his pictures in my head. You guys make a great team!
Karen, B. Iowa. 

Karen is a retired teacher of math and band and still entertains in nursing homes, visits Hospice patients and directs several area bands.
    Ryan is speaking to a group of  fifth graders at Joyner Elementary
                                         school in Greensboro.
Hi Ryan, I just finished Portals III. It is the best one yet. You just get better with every book. I like your descriptions, and the characters seem so true to life. I just love Izzy. I can tell you love dogs as much as I do.  Keep writing. I believe if you do, someday all your dreams will come true. You'll have a best seller. Your books might even be made into movies. Love and best wishes,
Kathy Fisher
Theresa said Caleb has already finished Ryan's first Portals book and he loved it!  N. J. H. Iowa
Ryan, I just finished your latest book, Portals III. Like your other two books, I couldn't put it down until I finished reading it. I am so glad that it ended the way it did. I really have worried about Lucy. I am also an animal lover, and I was so pleased about  the career choices one of the characters in the book made!  Lynn Mabe, N. C.